Agribazaar started with the idea that a technology-driven platform could help the agri value chain operate with significantly less overheads and hidden inefficiencies. We digitized the agri value chain with proof of origin and authenticity, enabling traceability whilst bringing down agri-trade commissions from 2-3% to 0.5%.
Our operating model comprises of a three-part pursuit:
Apply world-class open source technologies and know-how to transform the agri value chain
Focus on novel solutions in areas of farmers’ unmet needs
Build partnerships with governments and farmer collectives to enable the widest possible access to our platform.
We want to build as a leading agri-tech start-up led by a passionate leadership team practising the highest standards of corporate governance. Being clean in every aspect of our conduct is a key goal in everything
that we do.
Agribazaar has set an aggressive timeline to demonstrate its commitment to this pursuit. AI, ML and big data aren’t just buzzwords at Agribazaar. It’s how we’re defining technology and agriculture should work together. We are exploring a range of technologies such as remote sensors, drones and blockchain. Essentially, we’re doing what others don’t, putting the power in small farmowners’ hands with technology.
Chief Executive Officer